Problems are simply the obstacles yet to be overcome.
Determination and focus will guard your security.
Business thinking – continually adapting to a changing and dynamic environment.

The Segment Group

one-stop-shop, peer-to-peer support and advice

The main problem a business leader faces is how to optimize the use of tools within reach, in order to aid decision making and advance business endeavors.

A business leader has to “fight on many fronts” at the same time: Competitors, banks, customer payments, institutional bureaucracy, employees etc…

This “battle field” is far from simple to constantly engage! Quick decision making is required and the entrepreneur must be very concise and comprehensive in choosing actions in order to survive the “raging of the sea” – the entrepreneur’s primary goal being not merely surviving, but thriving through generation of revenue in the business!!!

Faced with this challenging and constantly changing situation, and with the hopes of giving entrepreneurs quality help in achieving their goals, the Segment Group was formed.

The Segment Group is a group of business people, each in their own field of expertise and all with current experience in their business sector, who provide mutual support, quality practical solutions and professional tools to empower each other to effectively engage the constantly changing environment of their businesses.

These tools are the building blocks for proper management of business activity:
financial management and especially interaction with banks, general management and control, strategy and marketing, psychological analysis, account management, legal consultation and any additional elements required.

From the entrepreneur’s arrival at the group’s door, he or she is given a temporary business “umbrella”, addressing needs quickly and offering high quality solutions fit for his business activity – and all in one place – complete with a fully synchronized
team, all of whom are contributors to the process and the solution.